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Hello . . . What you will find on this page is information on search engine linking, the in's and out's of utilizing search engines to get more hits (web traffic). You will learn that most of your traffic will come from people like you searching the net using search engines. Our search engine linking service is very sucessful. Here is what one of our customers has to say. |
15, 1999 Abdullah, It looks like everything you did and I did is taking hold. I have a first page position - - usually first or second on every major search engine but Yahoo, which I know you didn't register. I've registered it ten or twelve times and I'm convinced it will kick in soon. I wonder if we did the AOL page, whether it might hurt me. Our group at Dasia.net think you're great, and we'd
like to start to build a relationship with you. I need to get a rate sheet that you would
charge us for an array of services from one phrase on one URL to several pages and several
words. Would we get some kind of discount if we provided you several pages a week. Sandy Mr. Warren H. (Sandy) Anderson is a former Presidential Speech Writer and a past member of the Joint Chief's of Staff in the US Government. His website is at www.speechwriter.net |
Try our Search Engine Linking Service
E-Mail us today ~
You will be glad you did!
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The Do It Yourself Technology Trap! |
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Hits Count! You Put It There For People To See. didn't you? |
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Search Engines What are they are all about? |
What is the "Internet Technology Trap" that frustrates so many Internet entrepreneurs?
Well, let's look at what the entrepreneur (hopefully you!) goes through to get on the 'net...
You Did Your Homework
Like many web site owners or potential owners, you have, or are prepared to, invest enormous time, energy and effort to learn the inner-workings of the Internet, you explored the ins and out's of the different browsers, you have "surfed" sites to get an idea of what works for your planned site, what won't and now you're ready to go!
You Weighed the Options:
You have investigated the advantages and costs of different hosting options, learned the pro's and con's of exclusive and non-exclusive URL's, evaluated the capabilities of different hosting services. You know what will work!
You Crawled Through the Obstacles:
Not to appear unsophisticated, you didn't stop there, you pressed forward to learn everything you never wanted to know about credit card processing software, which banks accept Internet credit transactions and at what rates. You evaluated shopping cart software and selected among various secure transaction providers. There's no reason for a visitor not to buy at your site!
You Made it! Or Did You?
In short, you have been passionate in your quest to develop a noteworthy, impressive and visitor friendly web site. Finally... after month's of preparation, endless leg work, problem resolution, design and redesign . . . it's up! You're on the World Wide Web! You've succeeded!. You now stare eagerly at your computer waiting for the orders to pour in!
And nothing happens . . . Welcome to The Internet Technology Trap
Like some help with you Website E-Mail us today ~
Why Is Nothing Happening?
Maybe not "nothing"... you have had a handful of hits, but nothing exciting. Nobody has ordered, called or emailed (except somebody called "cyberdude" requesting a free catalog). So, you check the directories you've registered with and can't find your listing - even when you use the very key words that were submitted with your registration! In fact, if you used a bulk registration service, you've probably got email back from some directories advising you the service you used - "after a great deal of comparison shopping" you have submitted your site incorrectly. Now what?
Your not alone!
Others have had this experience. Sometimes we've become so focused on the technology that we mistake the triumph of finally "being there" as we prepare for the thousands of Internet surfers who will find our company and beat a path to our door!
Nope ~ That's just not the way it works. The World Wide Web may have changed the way we shop, it may have it's own unique tools, it's own "netiquette", it's own language, buzzwords and acronyms. It may even change forever way the markets and companies of the World conduct business transactions. But one thing will never change . . . creating a website is like putting together a puzzle where there are hundreds of pieces and you can fit them together almost any way you want. Sure, they'll all fit . . . that's just the problem! Most of the possible patterns are monstrosities. Like some help with you Website E-Mail us today ~
Each "hit" on your page can be far more valuable than having someone see your ad in a magazine, because the person who found your site on the Internet didn't just flip past it on the way to something else. The Internet doesn't work that way.
A visitor to your Web site found it because they entered a keyword search in an index like Alta Vista or Yahoo, or one of the other popular and not so popular search engines they are likly to use or else they followed a link to your page from another Web site.
Unlike traditional advertising, each visitor to your Web site is part of a pre-selected audience. They are already interested in some facet of what you do, or they wouldn't have arrived at your web site. Of course this is assuming that your site is listed correctly and has properly chosen Key-Words and in some cases Phrases that the potential visitor will use to find your site and if all is done correctly the search engine will bring up your internet address.
Remember The 3 Ifs
No business succeeds without promotion. Simply "being there" is no more effective in Cyberspace than for the retail store on the corner.
If you don't Tell people you're there, and you don't give them a reason to visit - they simply will not come.
If they do come and you don't give them a reason to stay ~ they won't explore your site.
If they explore your site and you don't give them a reason to come back they won't return.
Like some help with you Website E-Mail us today ~
The marketing / advertising services offered by . . . Global Marketing & Design are unique. We are one of the few companies that offer full service Internet Solutions. If your plans are to build a website, makeover a site, or generate more traffic fill out our website Evaluation Form today! You will be glad you did that's a promise.