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We have over 25 years of hands
on business experience coupled with 5 plus years internet experience. #1Let us think first about your company this will help us determine the functions and overall layout of your website. |
Manufacture / Distributor Wholesale or Retail Service Industry Non Profit |
#2 We then determine what type of web site fits your companies goals. #3 Then we can proceed with production of a web site that will produce an impression thats appropriate for your company or origination. This custom design will optimally support the technological functions of your site and meet your goals. |
If you desire you can fill out
our questionnaire and then just click on the send button. We will then be in contact with you shortly to help get you on the way to a success in this new and remarketable mida. |
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Marketing Strategy We understand how your website can fit into your organization's overall marketing strategy. We will make sure your website is a marketing tool that fits in with the other elements of your marketing mix. Your website can help direct visitors to your other marketing media and your other marketing media must direct visitors to your website! Your website carry part of the burden of the sales cycle, working with and supporting sales representives and distributors with other channels of support and information. You will be able to target marketing niches that your other media can't reach! It cover part of your traditional market, freeing resources for targeting new niches through other media. Your website will allow you to advance and expand your marketing effords into this exciting way of doing business and establishing new customer relationships through the world in all in a cost effective manner. This short list only begins to name the many strategic issues surrounding the relationship between your website and the rest of your marketing program. Our staff has a keen awareness of marketing principles and how they can be applied to your company. |
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Web Knowledge There is a difference between knowing HTML (and other aspects of Web technology) and knowing websites. It's the difference between knowing how to operate a car and knowing where to go. Construction of a website is like putting together a puzzle where there are hundreds of pieces. It must first known were your company fits in to the internet, were you want to position yourself, and what you expect to get in return. Check out our related topics on Web Design. Ready for some Facts? The "Internet population explosion" is now under way. The actual numbers are a little hard to fathom, but here they are... In 1996 alone, over A MILLION people per MONTH signed up with an internet access provider! That's over 12 MILLION people per year! Even if this rate remains the same, and many expect it to increase, there will be more than 100 MILLION people online by the year 2000! A Little History Well to begin with the name internet is derived from the concept of "inter networking" that is ,of connecting host computers and their net works together form even a larger, global network. And that's what the Internet is a large world-wide network of computers that communicate with one another. The Internet is nothing new we can trace it's beginnings back to 1969 ,when the U.S. Department of Defense began an experimental network {ARPANET}that allowed scientists with research grants to communicate with each other. In the very beginning ARPANET consisted of only four computers in California (Stanford, UCLA, University of California at Santa Barbara) The Internet has revolutionized the computer and communications world like nothing before. The invention of the telegraph, telephone, radio, and computer set the stage for this unprecedented integration of capabilities. The Internet is at once a world-wide broadcasting capability, a mechanism for information dissemination, and a medium for collaboration and interaction between individuals and their computers without regard for geographic location. The Internet represents one of the most successful examples of the benefits of sustained investment and commitment to research and development of information infrastructure. Beginning with the early research in packet switching, the government, industry and academia have been partners in evolving and deploying this exciting new technology. Today, terms like "[email protected]" and "www.gmad.com" trip lightly off the tongue of the random person on the street. |
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The Design Must Suit Your Image |
What is design? Ultimately, it
includes even the underlying structure of your website. But here's a simple way to think
of the graphic element of design: it's everything that the eye sees. In other words, it is everything that appears on the screen, minus the meaning of the words. It includes the size, font and layout of the text, as well as logos, borders, backgrounds, images and everything else that meets the eye. Many websites remind us of a young child's finger-painting. Children like to smear the colors on thick and heavy, and many web developers do the same with graphics, multimedia and special effects. "Do not fall into this trap" There is a difference between knowing HTML (and other aspects of Web technology) and knowing websites. It's the difference between knowing how to operate a car and knowing where to go. Constructing a website is like putting together a puzzle where there are hundreds of pieces and you can fit them together almost any way you want. Sure, they'll all fit that's just the problem! Finding the pattern thats correct for you is the challenge. |
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Technical Knowledge |
One person rarely has all the
technical skills that are required. It is of the utmost importance that you web developer has the knowledge of what types of soft ware and hard ware are nessary and available to accomplish your goals. Your developer must be good at and willing to coordinate with all the people that will be involved in the project or be prepared to take on the project in its entirety. They should also be willing and able to evaluate and advising you on your present computer equiptment and inform you on any up-grades to your present system. They should help you choose a ISP (internet service provider) which is what most companies use. You should be advised about Domain Registration and what it is about. |
The marketing / advertising services offered by Global Marketing & Design are unique.
We are one of the few companies that offer full service Internet Solutions.
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Last up-date Saturday, December 26, 1998 11:06 PM